Welcome! Here you will find collection of surface patterns of repeating doohickies and doodads. Join me and explore!

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Surface Pattern Design.

What is surface pattern design? Well, it’s a pattern of repeating doohickies, doodads, whatchamacallits or whatsits that you might find on your bedding or cosmetic bag or socks or any number of objects with a surface. And eeeh-verything has a surface. On this website, you’ll find my interpretation of surface pattern design. It’s a growing and continuously developing collection of fun and playful surface patterns suitable for any number of products for young children and the young-at-heart.

Floral drawings.

Flowers are nature’s eye-candy. Who doesn’t enjoy a bouquet? Who wouldn’t appreciate the beauty of flowers that grow wild or fragrant ones that grow on bushes and trees? Flowers are easy to love. And they are inspirational. I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed drawing them.


These illustrations were inspired by memories from my childhood. Ice cream that my mom bought me at the Circle K after school. My first car purchased in secrecy by my father, only to surprise me with it. He bought it knowing I would love a vintage car. And I so loved that car. My sister’s first car. It had such a loud motor. And it made her look so cool (and me by association)! So many cherished memories. What childhood memories do you have?