

Hi! And thank you for visiting my website! My name is Xochitl (sounds like Sochee… it means “flower” in the Aztec language), and I’m a graphic designer turned surface pattern designer/illustrator. I come from a long line of makers (sewers, knitters, embroiderers, shoe makers, gardeners). So, it stands to reason that I feel a calling to make and create.

I have found my creative “making" niche with surface pattern design. What is surface pattern design? Well, it’s a pattern of repeating doohickies, doodads, whatchamacallits or whatsits that you might find on your bedding or cosmetic bag or socks or any number of objects with a surface. And eeeh-verything has a surface. I’m truly enjoying this second career, and I approach my work with a sense of humor. I want to impart feelings of silly, playful, childhood imagination to anyone that sees my work.

BTW, why “xochimo”? I't’s a long-time nickname. Some of my closest friends still call me xochimo. And it seems easier than Xochitl. But I answer to both. :D

Follow me on Instagram @xochimo or contact me directly at